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- Subject: Digest
- Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 22:38:31 +0200 (MDT)
- From: Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl (Annius Groenink)
- X-Face: "E3Hm]k]&:,OEP<{D2ixJf>-9[qOGLebNa0&cQyFL-a~)kTM3&&I"gFw=fJ]K%1IduGjOE`
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- m8Zli[|.-u{]+c1(6C7mL*m`/_J\>.{4!:g
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- I've been away for awhile, so this may be old news to you.
- -----
- Tim writes:
- >Very nice. 'Add' is unambiguous but not too specific.
- Michel Forget:
- > I agree; (wow) Actually, "Append" is a much better word in this case. It
- > clearly states what will happen, and has the same meaning as Append. If
- > you really wanted an alternate name, "Attach Selection" would even be
- > better than "Add". In context, "Add" is meaningless.
- Append is better in context, but not in all contexts. How would you
- 'append' an image to an image? This is precisely why I suggested to
- use 'add' instead. That 'add' means 'append' in the context of text-based
- applications is obvious.
- -----
- Michel about SGI
- > If you pay $200,000 for a computer, you can more or less expect these
- > things... :)
- Remove one nought and you can still buy two SGI machines.
- -----
- Mark H.
- > And who is going to keep an undo buffer that will undo every key press/mouse
- > action since a file was opened?
- I believe Emacs does, but agree that this is insane. But then, I'd
- agree on the insanity of every single piece of Emacs...
- -----
- Tim:
- > I'm sure Edith is a FINE piece of work, although I haven't seen it. I'm
- > sure it has no (or no BIG) problem with Ctrl-A, but he had to put more
- > work into the code to avoid the problems associated with Ctrl-A.
- The fact that Edith has no safety problems with Control A is totally
- independent of Control A itself---i.e. it is just a consequence of the
- general design strategy. The choice to handle blocks independent of
- the cursor was of course not motivated by Control A problems but by the
- fact that the Macintosh paradigm ceases to make sense when blocks get
- discontinuous. And the fact that Edith has no problems with Shift Backspace
- is the result from the fact that it turned out to be a wise decision
- to store the contents of a line for UNDO instead of only undoing the
- last character typed (Tempus does this too).
- I haven't made ANY changes for the sake of making Control A safe. My
- application (Edith) is safe, and *therefore* so is the combination
- Control A.
- This is the whole point of the discussion we have had so far.
- (corollary: only lazy programmers make unsafe applications. Hence only
- lazy programmers need to change Control A to avoid safety problems. And
- even then there will be other safety flaws in their software.)
- Ofir replies to Tim:
- > >I'm sure Edith is a FINE piece of work, although I haven't seen it. I'm
- > Then have a look at the demo.
- By now, Processor Direct magazine must have received their FREE FULL
- VERSION of the program... Hopefully Tim will walk in one day and have
- a look at it.
- -----
- Aaaaaaaaaaarg. My text editor (Jot on SGI for clarity) just crashed,
- losing my replies on 100KB of GEM-list material.
- Anyway, it was just a huge deal of Tim-bashing.
- I'll try and summarize what I wrote...
- -----
- Leaving the right mouse button free is not necessary as MTOS and WINX
- allow using the left mouse button in background windows.
- -----
- About making the mouse take shapes on object types
- > The technique of maintaining 2 bounding rectangles is feasible, but not
- > a trivial programming task. It could provide other benefits though,
- > such as point-to-type, etc.
- Not easy, but feasible is to calculate the smallest rectangle between
- objects in your tree the mouse is inside of. I personally hate the
- Motif point-to-type idea (but like it for active windows).
- -----
- Admittedly, opaque (immediate) scrolling takes some time to get to
- work. But designing your own GEM libs is very rewarding afterwards
- (good portability, easy to create new applications). No library will
- be as good as your own, provided you're ready to put a few years into
- designing it.
- -----
- --
- Annius V. Groenink | avg@cwi.nl | Private/Edith/ZFC:
- CWI, Kruislaan 413 | A.V.Groenink@zfc.nl | P.O. Box 12079
- 1098 SJ Amsterdam | Room M233 ext. 4077 | NL 1100 AB Amsterdam
- The Netherlands | Phone: +31 20 592 4077 | Phone: +31 20 695 9901